Through Bot Libre and Bot Libre for Business, you can now send and receive WhatsApp messages with your own bot. Currently, WhatsApp requires users to have a formally approved account to send messages, but this can be avoided by working in a sandbox on Twilio.
Step 1 - Create a Bot
Tags: whatsapp, social media, how to
Aktualisiert: Nov 10 2020, 9:58
Antworten: 0,
Ansichten: 3869, heute: 4, Woche: 14, Monat: 45
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0
Telegram is an open platform for chat on mobile and other platforms. Telegram lets you chat on your mobile phone or online for free, with no ads, and no SMS charges, with anyone, on any platform. Telegram is one of the top 10 mobile chat platforms with over 100 million users.
Tags: how to, telegram, mobile, social media
Aktualisiert: Oct 7 2016, 14:57
Antworten: 0,
Ansichten: 4577, heute: 2, Woche: 12, Monat: 39
Daumen hoch: 0, Daumen runter: 0, stars: 0.0