How to create a bot?

durch admin gepostet Jun 24 2014, 12:55

You can create a bot by first creating an account, here. Account start at 99 cents per month, but you can also create a 1 month free trial account.

Next click the Create menu option or button. Give the bot a name and maybe description. You can choose a template if you wish. You can also create a bot by forking an existing bot.

See also, How to create your own chat bot in 10 clicks.

by holland posted Oct 3 2019, 10:44
im having alot of trouble my bot isnt saying anything or isnt loud

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Views: 2486, today: 2, week: 11, month: 49

by admin posted Oct 5 2019, 7:52
Ensure your media volume is on in your phone audio.

You can also try restarting the app or rebooting your phone.

Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 2533, today: 2, week: 9, month: 48

Id: 780
Tags: create, chat bot
Gepostet: Jun 24 2014, 12:55
Aktualisiert: Mar 9 2015, 5:03
Antworten: 2
Ansichten: 4358, heute: 2, Woche: 9, Monat: 44
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